Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Never Alone

                          I hope that your Christmas was a wonderful one and you are still enjoying some holiday time before the new year .Ours has been wonderful , lots of friends and family dropping by , our kids were with us all day , and our granddog Seven ! It was more than a heart could take , we were richly blessed . My husband got his cowboy boots , Lu got her pretty Simon Pearce dishes , Sonny got pipe tobacco and some bar acoutrements ..... I got a plein air paint box , paints and an awesome pair of earrings from Lu . All in all it was a wonderful time . It can be a lonely , sad time for many , these days when so many families are together and are advertised on tv everywhere . You start to feel left out , especially when you are all alone . I wish if you know someone like that , that you would reach out and invite them over for a cup of coffee , or drop by some cookies to them . Remember them in a small way , it will mean big things to them . I was afraid that my family would feel alone ,especially after family problems , we had to say goodbye to some toxic family members ...... would we feel lonely , unloved ? It was quite the opposite , our tribe grew larger with friends and others , our cup overfloweth with God's goodness and love , we were not forgotten , we were not          unloved  , it was quite sweet . I want for you the best that life has to offer , that the new year brings many blessings from our  Holy Father . Much love , Suz                   P.S. Please keep our cousin Steve in your prayers , he is in the hospital with heart problems xxxooo

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Most Wonderful

                It is here , the most wonderful time of the year ! I am almost done with all my shopping , which is not so much this year , a lot of things are wrapped , the tree is lit , groceries have been bought , paperwhite bulbs have been planted , no cards have been sent out , advent services are being attended ...... am I missing anything ? Yes , this is a wonderful time of year , the Christ child was born under a star and wise men came from all parts to worship this small bundle of love. This gift was no small act of our Father ......... it was THE GIFT !!!!!!! As I go through the motions of this busy season , I pray that I slow down , remember the gift , and give thanks to God for his son Jesus . I also pray that I celebrate in the fashion of a child ...... a smile on my face , laughter and an open heart . God bless you and yours .xxxooo  Suz

Friday, November 25, 2011

Too much to ask for ?


via Maria Castilla

        The Thanksgiving festivities have been winding down and I am getting the house back in order and trying to do away with a lot of clutter . It will soon be time to bring out more stuff and overpower the house with a month of "stuff" everywhere . I don't know what phase I am going through right now , blame it on hormones , I just want to get rid of extra . I want to live plainly and simply ........ I want to have places for the eye to rest in my house . Is this too much to ask for in an age of more , more , more . The more the merrier , you deserve all this and more ..... blah blah blah . I know I stand out like a sore thumb when I tell people  , I don't need anything , all I have is all I need , things don't bring true happiness . It's all so true , I want real relationships , I want pansy faces blooming in my winter yard , I want a cup of hot chocolate on a chilly morning , I want the little voices of my sweet sunday school children blessing their snack time ....... I want , I want , I want quiet time with God's word and hugs for people who are going thru cancer treatments ......... yes , I want all God has to offer me here on this earth and so much more , I want to rest under His wing and know that I am loved . God bless your week and and  much , much more ! xxxooo , Suz

Friday, November 18, 2011

Life is a roller coaster

           It has been awhile since I have posted . Life has been busy , some wonderful things and some awful things have been   happening, but I'm still here and hanging on by my toenails ! According to King Solomon , who was granted wisdom from God , life is like that ..... up .... and then down ..... up and down again . So what do we do when we are these mud puddles of life ? Do we sit in the corner and cry ? That is what I want to do , but I know that my trust is in Christ and I can do all things with him . It's hard sometimes to have hope in bad times , but that is exactly what is good for us . Knowing that this too shall pass and that we are never alone, especially during these tough times . So here's to knowing that we are part of God's plan and there is hope for the future ! God bless your week , Suz

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Fall , Ya'll !!!

            It has been a gorgeous week-end and boy , did I need to see and smell and feel all the beauty of Fall. It has been a very busy month this October and am looking forward to this week . It's my birthday on Tuesday and my Mr. and I are taking a little day trip . My daughter and her hubbie are coming to stay with us for a few weeks on that same day . I have the bug to do some baking , some painting and maybe some sewing . Back to fall , its my favorite time of the year . There is an electricity in the air , some excitement that is so delicious ! I want a sleeping porch like the one my grandmother had growing up, so I can breathe in all that wonderful cool , crispy air all night long and wake up to coffee perking and bacon on the stove . I want to hear the crunch ccrunch of walking thru the leaves and fallen acorns . I crave sweet potatos and roasted veggies and soup.... lots of soup ! Though I don't really care for Halloween , it has turned into such a commercial thing , I do love watching the faces of the small children as they don their costumes and learn how to trick or treat . These are the faces of my Fall , what are yours ? I pray you have a Christ - filled , beautiful week this week ! xxxooo Suz

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Little lambs of God


                       I hope you had a wonderful week-end . The weather here was perfect , and I got to relax and laugh a little , play a little , and of course enjoyed teaching my little Sunday School class today . The children range from 1 1/2 years to 4 years and I love every single one of those precious lambs ! They are getting in the routine of class again and I am always stunned when they sit down to their snack I have laid out and automatically bow their heads and fold their chubby little hands . I am blown away that these little ones know what to do , thank their Creator for what they are about to recieve . We should all learn from them this simple thing ....... being grateful for what is set before us ....... and then digging in to the wonderfulness of it all ! God bless your week , xxxooo Suz

pic via marina castilla
 20. gathering with friends for a meal
21. the beauty of fall
22. buttermilk cornbread
23. an elderly friend's recovery
24. a good night's sleep
25. a brother's birthday
26. a peek at twin sisters , newborn
27. a good tired , after too much fun today !

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finding Friends

                         We have new friends .... and they are our cousins ! I had no idea that we had family in town and we were so blessed to discover them a few weeks ago . Janna and Logan are newly married and an adorable couple that we met up with for supper at their nest .A wonderful meal was served , thank you Janna , and a ball game for FSU was lost , sorry Logan ,but it was good to find family so close. Thanks again guys !
                           I am so glad for a day to myself , Sunday School was taught , worship and praise was had and now I am enjoying a quiet , rainy day at home . I may not make it off the couch ! What do you like to do on days like this , I'd love to know . Thank you all for the sweet comments on my last posting , it was a hard week for me , but God is good and I am in his hands . So ...... have a great week and keep your eyes lifted upwards . xxxooo Suz

10. a wonderful breeze
11. another cup of coffee
12. to see my sweet brother Allen
13. a day off
14. little children
15. Jesus on the cross , for us
16. the color pink

this is my continueing list of gratitude while I am reading " One Thousand Gifts "

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Danielson

                 Today is a bittersweet day for me , and I guess it will always be .  It is my  youngest brother Daniel's birthday , he would have been 47 years old .  He passed away two and a half years ago by suicide and I still can't believe he is gone  .This is a picture of my Aunt Jane and Dan in Picadilly Square in London in the early 70's . Unbeknownst to us ,on this same trip , Dan decided that he wanted to ride the underground by himself and when he couldn't remember which was his stop , he just kept on going ! Mama thought he was with Dad , and Dad thought he was with her ........ well , it was an adventure for all of us . Dan always had such a sense of adventure and he never knew a stranger , I loved that about him . After our Dad passed away in '98 , Dan always wanted to visit his grave on this day , so he and I would pack a fried chicken lunch , stop and get flowers and spend 6 hours driving to and from the site . We would talk and catch up , smoke cigarettes and just be an older sister and her little brother together . So , this was  Dan .... a marine , a lover of country music , a wicked sense of humor , a sweet shy smile , maker of a mean pot of boiled peanuts , loved his family ,  and we loved him . I pray his sweet soul is at rest and he is safely in the arms of Jesus . xxxooo , Suzanne

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Order in the court !

       Ok , I need this . I love having resources right there at my finger tips . In real life , I am searching 3 drawers for a certain item , a junk drawer ( hey it could be considered junk ) , my desk ( thats probably where it needs to live ) , or the kitchen junk drawer ( no excuses there ) . I think I have too much stuff . In my quest for simple abundance I am becoming more aware of what all I have ..... and all I have is more than I need . So the next couple of weeks I'll be cleaning out even more things , maybe eliminating a few junk drawers and achieving some peace of mind in the process . Now ,where did I put my car keys ? xxoo , Suz

5. laughter shared with friends
6. a childs hug
7. praying with a sick friend
8. a little nip in the air

Monday, September 12, 2011

Let the sunshine in !

room via Amanda Nisbet
 Today I am cleaning house and windows and trying to let  some of this beautfiul weather inside my home . Today has been a good day for me, I slept in , I had cup after cup of hot coffee outside by my fountain , started cleaning and organizing things , had lunch with my sweetie and now I can play on the computer ! It has been a busy couple of months and it is good to slow down a bit . I am reading a great book called  "1000 Gifts " and it is all about gratitude , seeing God's love for us in action . I decided to start my own list and will add on to it here on my blog . I hope your day has been fruitful and blessed , xxoo Suz

I am thankful for .............

1. the breeze blowing thru the leaves
2. groceries in the pantry
3. hot coffee with cream this morning
4. sleeping under a down blanket this morning

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I know the plans I have for you ....

The Soniat courtyard
 This courtyard is one I am very familiar with , the Soniat in the residential part of the French Quarter in New Orleans . My mom and I stayed here on one of my many post surgery visits to the city . I love the old southern architecture with a french flair , the open staircases that lead up to a hallway of rooms , the breakfast of piping hot cafe au lait and crossiants that are delivered to the rooms each morning . It is quite beautiful . I'm happy to see it flourish after Hurricane Katrina hit years ago . I have been thinkiing and praying for the people suffering up in New England with Irene . I know it is devastating , its seems like everything familiar is gone to them , but one thing remains constant and neverchanging and that is God's love for us and what has been done for us . God doesn't cause these things to happen , but he equips us to get through things , he gives us the resources and gifts we need to persevere and flourish again . I pray for these people and others that are homeless , alone , sick , or just need  a shoulder to lean on ........ God's grace is there if we just open our eyes . God bless your week .xxoo, Suz

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Make mine anything but vanilla !

armasdesign.blogspot.com/michelle armas
                   I love beautiful colors and combinations !  I'm constantly scribbling in a notebook when I notice an inpiring pairing of colors in a fruit bowl , or flower garden . At work we are very sensitive to color , we aren't matchy with it , it just needs to be pretty and work . I'm helping a customer with her home this week and our heads are bent over color swatches , fabrics samples , and the computer finding the right colors that inspire and make happy . To me , thats important for the customer to love what they see and get them excited about making there house theirs. It's been a awhile since I've been out there on design visits but I am having so much fun , its addicting ..... a good addiction .I love this artwork by an Atlanta artist...... I could take this one home ! Hope you have a wonderful , color filled day , Suz                                                                p.s. click on Michelle's blog  and see her other works of gorgeous color !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where nobody knows my name

                                          Sometimes I just want to run away . I'm not talking buying a stack of magazines , candy bars and heading for the Georgia line for a night or two ..... I'm talkin' Tuscany , I'm talkin' coastal , I'm saying a fresh change of view . I don't know what has gotten into me but I want to go somewhere I've never been . It's been a summer for us and we've been thru some hard changes , God is good and I'm not complaining , just listening to my soul .  Have a wonderful week-end and  why don't we view our surroundings with fresh eyes , maybe Tuscany is as far as our back yard ......... no wait , its only the rosemary bush !!!  xxoo , Suz

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life does go on

                                            I'm afraid I have been away a long time , sorry . After my blog on Bailey , our 15 year old poodle / love puppy / snuggle bunny / best friend / partner in crime , passed away on July 25 . He was very dehydrated and beyond help . I have been so out of it , I am slowly returning back to life in general . He was an awesome little guy ! I have thought long and hard on why I blog , is it my journal for life's ups and downs ?  I want so much to share my knowledge of good design , how to live life to the fullest , how to reach out to others who may be experiencing similar things , I really do enjoy it . I want to be one of those people that excell in the art of living , its been a tough couple of years and I want to be in the business of Bliss ! I may be changing my blog soon to more design , how to projects ,  thoughts on how to entertain ......whadaya think ? I'll be working on it the next couple of weeks so check back .The pics are of Bailey a few days before he got lost , and a coffee that I had for a darling lady across the street who is expecting twins soon . It was this morning and after this .....it may be nappy time . God bless , Suz

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The not so excellent adventure of Bailey Conner !

                                                         See this mug ? Our Bailey , who turned 15 a few weeks ago ,went on a wild adventure and lived to tell the tale . I was visiting my grandmother in our small hometown in Calhoun County 9 days ago and guess who went missing at the last potty call of the night at 11 pm . After 10 min , he didn't come back and then I started looking for him . He is blind and deaf but he grew up going to this house all of his 15 years so no worries ..... right ? Wrong ! I searched for him till half past 2 in the am and still no Bailey ....... I was so upset . The next morning my Uncle Jim and I walked all over trying to find him with no luck . So I left there with a heavy heart wondering what had become of Bailey Boyd Conner . All week no call from the police dept who handles the dog catching dept. too ....... still so upset . The next week end I was on a buying trip in Atlanta , in the car when I got the call ..... Bailey had been found !  An animal rescue person had found  him almost a mile away that nite and picked him up !!!!!!! Needless to say I am so happy that he is  fine and at this moment is attached at the hip of my 93 year old grandmama till I can get there and claim him . Even though he has some  "splaining " to do , I plan on washing him to the nth degree and love on him till the cows come home  .  Have a great week , I have . God bless you , Suz

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dining Out

 I have a theme going here , what is it about lanterns and lights that I love ? It is a recipe for friends , laughing and  maybe late dinners served al fresco . I think I may be French or Italian deep down . My beautiful friend from Mexico City says they eat like this all the time . I don't know but I love it .Here in Florida it is already so hot you can barely stand it , even at 10 at night . The lightning bugs are out , they don't seem to mind the heat . Anyway , these  were pretty so I included them in my post . Here's to summer evenings and dinner out , outside that is ! God bless your week , Suz
Japanese floats


parisian scene

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shades of blue and pink

                                  I rarely get a little down these days , but today I feel a little blue . I have been cleaning out my late mother's house to get ready for some renters . I had no idea it would hit me this way , but there it is . Taking out the last of  her house was a sad in a way for my daughter and I , we were so close to mama . Her yard once was full of beautiful flowers and trees , fragrant and colorful they were always uplifting . We would sit in the carport and swing and talk about all kinds of things . The swing is still there , I may leave it . The renters are a young mother with small children . I like the thought of youngsters laughing and playing there again , mama would be smiling down on that one ! So , because of my blues I want to post pictures of pink , because that is my happy color and it always works . God bless your day , xxoo Suz

Saturday, May 21, 2011


                                           It has been a great Saturday , I have been milling around the house , major puttering going on . I have been trying to make all my mom's things work in with mine and make it Suzanne's . It is hard work because of so much emotion tied to things . It's like giving away Mama , I know thats not right but it is what it is . But lately I have come to accept that she is not in these things , not at all . She is in the daylilies that she gave me that are blooming up a storm , she is in the way I love my home and love to play house , she is in my love for family and to do the right thing , she is in the way that I have learned to love the Lord with all my heart . So , today I started getting rid of just " things " and I thank the Lord above for the mama that I had and will see again one day . These are my milling around pics . God bless, Suz


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life in the fast lane

I hope everyone who reads this blog had a wonderful mother' s day and is enjoying the fine weather . It has been busy the past couple of weeks and it feels good to be back . I had to buy a car last week , my 19 year old Subaru finally started having issues and I traded it in , it only had 80,000 miles on it, ( yes I drive like a grandma ) I will miss it . My mom and I went together to look at it and test drive it many years ago . We were tootling along and realized there was no gas so we had to pool some pennies together and bought like $ 1.00 worth of gas ! These days it wouldn't get you out of the gas station !  Mother's day was really sweet , Lu brought over sweetheart roses in a vintage vase and Nathan had made a beautiful card . Sweet hubby fixed me hamburgers on the grill ( yummy ) and watched chick flicks with me .

Needless to say it was a very relaxing day . Reminder to self ...... get back on hormones !  Greetings to my sweet friend Margie who checked in with my blog . Let me tell you about her , Margie is one  of the happiest people I know and her joy is infectious . Today at work she brought me some gorgeous hydrangeas out of her yard and also some antique frames that I will paint on the glass . And this lady loves the Lord with all of her heart . You know them when you see them , they kinda radiate , and I'm not talking power surges ! The Holy Spirit fill them up and they pour out . I thank God above for fellow brothers and sisters . Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week- end and God bless you . xxoo Suz

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rogue Gladiolas

Here at home today we are having some kind of storm , the same one that has wreaked havoc on many parts of the country . But in my world I am in the Netherlands walking the tulip fields and taking in all the color . I have always wanted to go there , the closest I've come is in my hometown , a Dutch family planted acres and acres of gladiolas on my grandfathers land . It was beautful and something like this picture . For years after they had rotated to different land , the bulbs left would continue to bloom , it was just a reminder of the beauty that had been there .  Easter is like that for me , it is a reminder of all that has been done for me , the sacrifice , the love , the victory over death by our Savior Jesus Christ . I hope you enjoy the pics today and have a blessed week . xxoo, Suz
via Southern Living

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vera Bradley and Seaside

                   The weather here is so beautiful , everything is ..........ACHHHHOOoooo , blooming ! My thoughts automatically go to the beautiful beaches we have here . Paige from Simple Thoughts blog wanted to see some pics of Lu at Seaside when she worked for the Bradley family . She managed the shop here that the family owned and wowed everybody with her business skills . I am proud of her for many things but she has my mom's sense of business . Me ? I like to mix a little business with pleasure . Anyway Paige , here are some pics from 2007 at Seaside . Lu is the bride and on the window seat pic. Love , Suz

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finger Painting 101

I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted . I have been busy !!!! I just delivered the last of the windows I painted for a cafe here in town , the Marinated Mushroom . It was fun , but a lot of work . It is good to stretch a little and working larger was a stretch for me . The owner wanted a reference to food , so a little wine and some fruit later ....... oh , and then I started painting ! I hid her and her children's names in the painting and bugs , butterflies , and even some little mushrooms .  I hope she enjoys it . Meanwhile it is Holy Week , the best time of the year . Because of what Jesus Christ did for us , we have hope and joy . Without Him , death would be the end of our story , but because He died for us and was raised from the dead  , we will be with Him . Wow !!!!! Happy Easter and happy egg hunting . Love ,Suz

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mama's garden

 Where have I been you ask ? No , I haven't been kidnapped by pirates and no I didn't fall off the face of the earth . I have been having painting like a fiend and loving every moment . I have always dabbled somewhat with painting , I did this one on the right two years ago when mama died . I had to paint her beautiful garden . This year I am doing more richer colors and looser images than before . I find that it is much like meditation when I paint , very relaxing . Since we are house bound somewhat this summer , I take little vacations here at home in my small studio aka small bedroom .  My daughter , very creative , has been making artist paper and has been selling it in the Etsy shop , Orleans apothocary . I tried painting on it and it is wonderful . She uses recycled paper and I got some of her pink sheets ! Anyway , I am having a lot of fun , the ideas are coming fast and furious , so if you don't see me for awhile , I'm on retreat ........ and covered with paint! Have a wonderful week .xxoo Suz

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Planting in faith

            I don't know about you but here in Florida spring is here . The dogwoods are in bloom , the azaleas are just opening , the snow drops are here , its just beautiful ! My backyard is in dire need of some work , woefully I did not step out there most of the cold winter and the spring weeds are incredible . I have plans , gardening on the cheap , planting seeds , I want to make some yard art , so much to do before the heat gets here . I can't wait to share pictures of what is going on out there . We also want to do raised beds such as these for some vegetables and herbs . My mom always had a winter garden with her greens , I loved that about her . She planted in faith and she was richly rewarded . Her gardens were legendary , I will find a pic and share soon . I am not the gardener that she was , I am a different gardener ..... the kind on canvas .  Where I leave off out in the yard , I try to pick up with my pots of paint . Anyway , I hope you are having a delightful spring wherever you are . God bless your week .xxoo Suz

                                                                                           picure from potager

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just bobbing along

                                                                     Where have I been ? I have been lost in time and kinda lost in space ! I just needed some away time to rest , reflect and refresh . Things have been scary lately with the economy , our jobs , just some situations that are not good right now . I have to step back every once in awhile and just think . Do you do that ? My heart knows that I shouldn't worry , I know who is in control of things and it sure aint' me ! It is so hard for me to just " Be " , I try too hard and can't just don't relax long enough to enjoy myself . It's bad when you are just enduring life instead of living it to the fullest . I have every reason in the world to sing , I have salvation in Jesus Christ , I have a dear family , I have food in the pantry , I have much to be thankful for. We all need to be deep in prayer for one another during these trying times , I will for you , will you please for me ......... not to waver in the face of the world , but stand fast . Love and kisses , Suz

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to you !

                              This is a Happy Birthday wish to my dear cousin and sister in Christ , Mary Jo . I hope you enjoy your day and know that you are loved by all . It is so good to have such a friend !  " When the King smiles there is life , his favor refreshes like a spring rain ." Proverbs 16:15 . love you ! Suz

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

 Happy Birthday darling Girl . I can still call you this because I am your mama , forever ! Due to a sore throat , we had postpone the celebratory dinner for tommorow nite , but daughter and hubby found a moment to drop by and say hello . When I think of my blessings , this couple comes to my mind instantly as well as the little wee one in the picture and of course my darling husband . Lots of love here , registers high on the blessing list . It just so happened that the amaryllis that said darling daughter gave me for Christmas decided today was the day it would make its incredible appearance . My husband and I were blown away , so beautiful . Like our daughter who came in with a bang , my gift exploded into pinks , green and pale blush .... sigh .

 God is so great , what an artist ! I am still staggering from all the beauty that I see everday in this world . He must really love us to prepare such a place for us ! God bless your week and lots of love , Suz