Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Order in the court !

       Ok , I need this . I love having resources right there at my finger tips . In real life , I am searching 3 drawers for a certain item , a junk drawer ( hey it could be considered junk ) , my desk ( thats probably where it needs to live ) , or the kitchen junk drawer ( no excuses there ) . I think I have too much stuff . In my quest for simple abundance I am becoming more aware of what all I have ..... and all I have is more than I need . So the next couple of weeks I'll be cleaning out even more things , maybe eliminating a few junk drawers and achieving some peace of mind in the process . Now ,where did I put my car keys ? xxoo , Suz

5. laughter shared with friends
6. a childs hug
7. praying with a sick friend
8. a little nip in the air

Monday, September 12, 2011

Let the sunshine in !

room via Amanda Nisbet
 Today I am cleaning house and windows and trying to let  some of this beautfiul weather inside my home . Today has been a good day for me, I slept in , I had cup after cup of hot coffee outside by my fountain , started cleaning and organizing things , had lunch with my sweetie and now I can play on the computer ! It has been a busy couple of months and it is good to slow down a bit . I am reading a great book called  "1000 Gifts " and it is all about gratitude , seeing God's love for us in action . I decided to start my own list and will add on to it here on my blog . I hope your day has been fruitful and blessed , xxoo Suz

I am thankful for .............

1. the breeze blowing thru the leaves
2. groceries in the pantry
3. hot coffee with cream this morning
4. sleeping under a down blanket this morning