Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Driving Miss Daisy

                                                           The year is waning before our eyes , soon 2010 will be a memory and 2011 will be set before us . I rarely make new years resolutions , my last post is close to one as it gets , I have learned that I put enough pressure on myself to do better , be better , weigh less , spend less , too many shoulds , blah ,blah , blah . I just want to live free-er , not so many shoulds , be easier on myself , love myself a little more . God tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made , that I am His child and He will never let me be snatched away . It is my number one wish this new year that I trust Him more , He will sustain me , and what He has planned for my new year will be awesome ! So , no need to worry , or be anxious , just let Him be my driver , because He knows the way . God bless you this New Year .xxoo , Suz

Saturday, December 25, 2010


       I pray that you all had a wonderful Christmas day and that you slowed down to take it all in . We had an extra special day with our new son in law and daughter and various and sundry friends dropping by to share cheer and cookies with us . We felt blessed to have each other , a home , food on the table , our cup runneth over . I know that there are a lot of people out there who have nothing , no family or home , no hope . I wish we could reach out to every single one and give them a hug and tell them how much they are loved . My wish for the upcoming year is to reach out more , love more , hate no more , even those who are mean to us and despise us , live more , pray more , forgive more , just as I am forgiven , just be more . Yes , I do want more , more , more . Its just the more I want is more of how Jesus would have me be . And believe me , I need to be more ! God bless you today  Love in Christ , Suz

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

From our house to yours

          We are drawing near to that time when all the gifts are wrapped ( not yet ) , the dinner is planned , the candles are lit , all we can do now is sit back and experience the moment . I want to remember everything . Things that cannot be bought , or on a TV special , or things you can't find on a grand scale . I'm talking peacefulness , love for God our Father , gratitude for our Savior Jesus Christ , that kind of peace that transcends all understanding . The smiles of our loved ones , the tug on my heart missing the ones not here anymore , my sweet family gathered round and the dear friends that drop in . These are what the  heart remembers . May you have a blessed Christmas and remember , it is the most wonderful time of the year . xxxooo, Suz

Sunday, December 19, 2010

the roost

You found me ! I've been hiding out here at home as often as I can . This is my library where I have my first sip  of coffee every day , where I peruse magazines and good books , and I have my daily devotional . It's quiet and cozy and when I go missing , this is the first place my pup and hubby find me . When I was growing up here , this was the rarely used living room , lovely but not very inviting .  My friends tease me and tell me it looks like I've moved to the beach , all my Florida art and seashells ,etc . I guess I brought Appalachicola to Bramble Hill instead . I hope you all are staying warm , here at the beach ...... I'm just fine and dandy . God bless you this week . Much love , Suz

Monday, December 13, 2010

Come on in , the hot chocolates fine !

                                   It is so cold here in Northwest Florida ! Maybe not this white , but I can assure it may as well have snowed . We are experiencing freezing weather , not usual for this neck of the woods but then nothing has been usual about our weather this year . What do you like to do on cold days like this ? I like to curl up with a good book and stay in my jammies all day , or as our cousin Staci says , jommies .  My husband like to experiment with food..... we've had some interesting stews ! My pup likes to just stay underfoot , my foot to be exact . I hope you are having a cozy and warm week wherever you are ! xxxooo, Suz

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Week-end

I hope you are having a wonderful and warm week-end . Here is a little flower basket for you to enjoy , I just love these colors , I hope you do too . We are laying low and I am baking cookies and goodies for Christmas , hubby is sick with some bug , some gift wrapping needs to be addressed , but mostly just enjoying the moment . God Bless , Suz

Thursday, December 9, 2010


                                                    After a busy week fraught with car problems , freezing conditons here in Northwest Florida , and so forth , I came home after Advent service at church and found warmth and coziness and a sweet husband waiting . After Elzabeth Edwards brave battle with cancer ended this week and our Pastor's new born undergoing heart surgery today I have no complaints . These are brave people who in the face of real problems look to the Lord and find their refuge in Him . I look around and count my many blessings , health , a home , a job , a family who loves ...... and most of all a Savior and a Heavenly father who knows and loves me . No , I can't complain , my cup runneth over . By the way , the Pastor's baby Eli came through the seven hour surgery fine . He is a tough little cookie .Have a blessed week .xxoo Suz

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Love ,Love , Love

Love came down from heaven . Love so lovely , love devine . Love came down from heaven , the stars and angels gave the sign .

I think this is my favorite time of the year . It's not the gifts or the hectic pace or the deluge of sentimentality that overwhelms us this season . I feel such a sense of peace and love that I know doesn't come from me , and I find my refuge there . Don't get me wrong , I get caught  up in all the trappings sometimes too but this year somethings different . I feel gratitude and great love for my family , our situations in life that point to anything but peaceful , but most of all to our Savior Jesus Christ , the annointed one ,  who came down from Heaven . He came so that we may live , for that I am eternally grateful . So lets pause during this season and thank God for the day when Divinity met Humanity , go spread the word . Love , Suz