Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I know the plans I have for you ....

The Soniat courtyard
 This courtyard is one I am very familiar with , the Soniat in the residential part of the French Quarter in New Orleans . My mom and I stayed here on one of my many post surgery visits to the city . I love the old southern architecture with a french flair , the open staircases that lead up to a hallway of rooms , the breakfast of piping hot cafe au lait and crossiants that are delivered to the rooms each morning . It is quite beautiful . I'm happy to see it flourish after Hurricane Katrina hit years ago . I have been thinkiing and praying for the people suffering up in New England with Irene . I know it is devastating , its seems like everything familiar is gone to them , but one thing remains constant and neverchanging and that is God's love for us and what has been done for us . God doesn't cause these things to happen , but he equips us to get through things , he gives us the resources and gifts we need to persevere and flourish again . I pray for these people and others that are homeless , alone , sick , or just need  a shoulder to lean on ........ God's grace is there if we just open our eyes . God bless your week .xxoo, Suz

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Make mine anything but vanilla !

armasdesign.blogspot.com/michelle armas
                   I love beautiful colors and combinations !  I'm constantly scribbling in a notebook when I notice an inpiring pairing of colors in a fruit bowl , or flower garden . At work we are very sensitive to color , we aren't matchy with it , it just needs to be pretty and work . I'm helping a customer with her home this week and our heads are bent over color swatches , fabrics samples , and the computer finding the right colors that inspire and make happy . To me , thats important for the customer to love what they see and get them excited about making there house theirs. It's been a awhile since I've been out there on design visits but I am having so much fun , its addicting ..... a good addiction .I love this artwork by an Atlanta artist...... I could take this one home ! Hope you have a wonderful , color filled day , Suz                                                                p.s. click on Michelle's blog  and see her other works of gorgeous color !

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where nobody knows my name

                                          Sometimes I just want to run away . I'm not talking buying a stack of magazines , candy bars and heading for the Georgia line for a night or two ..... I'm talkin' Tuscany , I'm talkin' coastal , I'm saying a fresh change of view . I don't know what has gotten into me but I want to go somewhere I've never been . It's been a summer for us and we've been thru some hard changes , God is good and I'm not complaining , just listening to my soul .  Have a wonderful week-end and  why don't we view our surroundings with fresh eyes , maybe Tuscany is as far as our back yard ......... no wait , its only the rosemary bush !!!  xxoo , Suz

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life does go on

                                            I'm afraid I have been away a long time , sorry . After my blog on Bailey , our 15 year old poodle / love puppy / snuggle bunny / best friend / partner in crime , passed away on July 25 . He was very dehydrated and beyond help . I have been so out of it , I am slowly returning back to life in general . He was an awesome little guy ! I have thought long and hard on why I blog , is it my journal for life's ups and downs ?  I want so much to share my knowledge of good design , how to live life to the fullest , how to reach out to others who may be experiencing similar things , I really do enjoy it . I want to be one of those people that excell in the art of living , its been a tough couple of years and I want to be in the business of Bliss ! I may be changing my blog soon to more design , how to projects ,  thoughts on how to entertain ......whadaya think ? I'll be working on it the next couple of weeks so check back .The pics are of Bailey a few days before he got lost , and a coffee that I had for a darling lady across the street who is expecting twins soon . It was this morning and after this .....it may be nappy time . God bless , Suz