Tuesday, July 27, 2010

dreamin' of an escape

                                        Ok ,who wants to go to France and have fresh croissants and baguettes with a bottle of a local wine or two ? Any takers ? When I am day dreaming , I go to places like this . This is a cottage someone rents out in the Normandy countryside and it looks devine ! It is simply outfitted with a country kitchen , a bed stacked with down duvets and white linens , and a claw foot tub that the lady of the house could soak all day in . Now , back to that bottle of wine .......... Happy Summering , Susanne

Thursday, July 22, 2010

twinkle , twinkle little star

                                                  Summer just isn't summer till you drink a mojito , go barefoot ..... a lot , gather up sea shells , ride a bike somewhere ( don't look at me , I'm just the writer here ) ! Grill out burgers , wear flip flops from the dollar store , sleep on crisp cotton sheets ( on top of ) , read some great books , read some bad books , and just be .........                           Summerizing and just being , Susanne

Saturday, July 17, 2010

summertime , where the living is easy ....

                                                           Ok , I know it is blazing hot in Florida right now and all I want to do is look at the water and have a cool drink in hand  ,  this scene is on the French coast and I love all the baubles and colors . I'm such a magpie , I am easily distracted by shiny things . Wherever you are , stay cool , kick back do some enjoying of life ! xxoo , Susanne

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

burnin" peepholes

                                              What are you doing with your summer evenings ? I hope you are having as much fun as we are ! " In my backyard they burn peep holes in the night and take snapshots of my house " .
Happy Summer . xxoo  Susanne

Monday, July 12, 2010

feelin' groovy

                                                  I love this picture of Lulu , this is a woman who knows her mind and has since she was knee high to a grasshopper . She is audacious , mindful , optimstic , loves the gilmore girls ( as does her mama ) and just completely herself . I love it ! Though it doesn't come without some hard times , try just being yourself and see what the world has to say about it . But I say  Bravo , to a person that I call my friend and my daughter , but  most important ...... a groovy lady .

Monday, July 5, 2010

                                                    A picture is worth a thousand words . Recently we had to take out some big trees that were diseased and one of them happened to be a tree that held up Lulu's childhood swing . This is no ordinary swing , it was her first swing put up by my brother Daniel for her to wile away the days at her grandmothers house ( which is where we have lived for 12+ years ) . He was getting ready to go into the marines and for some reason it was important to put up a swing for a little freckled , smiley faced girl to play on while he was gone . It was a sad day when I told Lu that the trees had to come down and she immediately disapeared . This is where I found her , paying homage to a tree that had given her much joy when she was a little girl and to an uncle that loved her enough . Since she grew up we have howled at the squirrels that would take a running leap and swing on Lu's swing , hysterical ! Every once in awhile the little kids next door would be found swinging on the old tree , so glad . We are glad to have had it in our yard and maybe one day when I have some little ones around here , I can put up a little swing for them too. Have a blessed day ! xxoo Susanne