Friday, November 25, 2011

Too much to ask for ?


via Maria Castilla

        The Thanksgiving festivities have been winding down and I am getting the house back in order and trying to do away with a lot of clutter . It will soon be time to bring out more stuff and overpower the house with a month of "stuff" everywhere . I don't know what phase I am going through right now , blame it on hormones , I just want to get rid of extra . I want to live plainly and simply ........ I want to have places for the eye to rest in my house . Is this too much to ask for in an age of more , more , more . The more the merrier , you deserve all this and more ..... blah blah blah . I know I stand out like a sore thumb when I tell people  , I don't need anything , all I have is all I need , things don't bring true happiness . It's all so true , I want real relationships , I want pansy faces blooming in my winter yard , I want a cup of hot chocolate on a chilly morning , I want the little voices of my sweet sunday school children blessing their snack time ....... I want , I want , I want quiet time with God's word and hugs for people who are going thru cancer treatments ......... yes , I want all God has to offer me here on this earth and so much more , I want to rest under His wing and know that I am loved . God bless your week and and  much , much more ! xxxooo , Suz

Friday, November 18, 2011

Life is a roller coaster

           It has been awhile since I have posted . Life has been busy , some wonderful things and some awful things have been   happening, but I'm still here and hanging on by my toenails ! According to King Solomon , who was granted wisdom from God , life is like that ..... up .... and then down ..... up and down again . So what do we do when we are these mud puddles of life ? Do we sit in the corner and cry ? That is what I want to do , but I know that my trust is in Christ and I can do all things with him . It's hard sometimes to have hope in bad times , but that is exactly what is good for us . Knowing that this too shall pass and that we are never alone, especially during these tough times . So here's to knowing that we are part of God's plan and there is hope for the future ! God bless your week , Suz