Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just bobbing along

                                                                     Where have I been ? I have been lost in time and kinda lost in space ! I just needed some away time to rest , reflect and refresh . Things have been scary lately with the economy , our jobs , just some situations that are not good right now . I have to step back every once in awhile and just think . Do you do that ? My heart knows that I shouldn't worry , I know who is in control of things and it sure aint' me ! It is so hard for me to just " Be " , I try too hard and can't just don't relax long enough to enjoy myself . It's bad when you are just enduring life instead of living it to the fullest . I have every reason in the world to sing , I have salvation in Jesus Christ , I have a dear family , I have food in the pantry , I have much to be thankful for. We all need to be deep in prayer for one another during these trying times , I will for you , will you please for me ......... not to waver in the face of the world , but stand fast . Love and kisses , Suz

1 comment:

  1. hang in there mama! you are a powerhouse and you don't even realize it! love you muchly!!!
