Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rogue Gladiolas

Here at home today we are having some kind of storm , the same one that has wreaked havoc on many parts of the country . But in my world I am in the Netherlands walking the tulip fields and taking in all the color . I have always wanted to go there , the closest I've come is in my hometown , a Dutch family planted acres and acres of gladiolas on my grandfathers land . It was beautful and something like this picture . For years after they had rotated to different land , the bulbs left would continue to bloom , it was just a reminder of the beauty that had been there .  Easter is like that for me , it is a reminder of all that has been done for me , the sacrifice , the love , the victory over death by our Savior Jesus Christ . I hope you enjoy the pics today and have a blessed week . xxoo, Suz
via Southern Living

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vera Bradley and Seaside

                   The weather here is so beautiful , everything is ..........ACHHHHOOoooo , blooming ! My thoughts automatically go to the beautiful beaches we have here . Paige from Simple Thoughts blog wanted to see some pics of Lu at Seaside when she worked for the Bradley family . She managed the shop here that the family owned and wowed everybody with her business skills . I am proud of her for many things but she has my mom's sense of business . Me ? I like to mix a little business with pleasure . Anyway Paige , here are some pics from 2007 at Seaside . Lu is the bride and on the window seat pic. Love , Suz

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finger Painting 101

I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted . I have been busy !!!! I just delivered the last of the windows I painted for a cafe here in town , the Marinated Mushroom . It was fun , but a lot of work . It is good to stretch a little and working larger was a stretch for me . The owner wanted a reference to food , so a little wine and some fruit later ....... oh , and then I started painting ! I hid her and her children's names in the painting and bugs , butterflies , and even some little mushrooms .  I hope she enjoys it . Meanwhile it is Holy Week , the best time of the year . Because of what Jesus Christ did for us , we have hope and joy . Without Him , death would be the end of our story , but because He died for us and was raised from the dead  , we will be with Him . Wow !!!!! Happy Easter and happy egg hunting . Love ,Suz