Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The not so excellent adventure of Bailey Conner !

                                                         See this mug ? Our Bailey , who turned 15 a few weeks ago ,went on a wild adventure and lived to tell the tale . I was visiting my grandmother in our small hometown in Calhoun County 9 days ago and guess who went missing at the last potty call of the night at 11 pm . After 10 min , he didn't come back and then I started looking for him . He is blind and deaf but he grew up going to this house all of his 15 years so no worries ..... right ? Wrong ! I searched for him till half past 2 in the am and still no Bailey ....... I was so upset . The next morning my Uncle Jim and I walked all over trying to find him with no luck . So I left there with a heavy heart wondering what had become of Bailey Boyd Conner . All week no call from the police dept who handles the dog catching dept. too ....... still so upset . The next week end I was on a buying trip in Atlanta , in the car when I got the call ..... Bailey had been found !  An animal rescue person had found  him almost a mile away that nite and picked him up !!!!!!! Needless to say I am so happy that he is  fine and at this moment is attached at the hip of my 93 year old grandmama till I can get there and claim him . Even though he has some  "splaining " to do , I plan on washing him to the nth degree and love on him till the cows come home  .  Have a great week , I have . God bless you , Suz