Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mama's garden

 Where have I been you ask ? No , I haven't been kidnapped by pirates and no I didn't fall off the face of the earth . I have been having painting like a fiend and loving every moment . I have always dabbled somewhat with painting , I did this one on the right two years ago when mama died . I had to paint her beautiful garden . This year I am doing more richer colors and looser images than before . I find that it is much like meditation when I paint , very relaxing . Since we are house bound somewhat this summer , I take little vacations here at home in my small studio aka small bedroom .  My daughter , very creative , has been making artist paper and has been selling it in the Etsy shop , Orleans apothocary . I tried painting on it and it is wonderful . She uses recycled paper and I got some of her pink sheets ! Anyway , I am having a lot of fun , the ideas are coming fast and furious , so if you don't see me for awhile , I'm on retreat ........ and covered with paint! Have a wonderful week .xxoo Suz

1 comment:

  1. what beautiful paintings! i'll have to visit her etsy shop.
    can't wait to see the VB images :)
