Thursday, February 4, 2010

spring cleaning ?

I have spent too many cold days inside, I've started spring cleaning....a little early ! Airing out the down comforters in the clean , crisp air , I even lay out the pillows and let them sit in the sun for awhile. I guess I want to snuggle in but bring fresh air and sunshine in. Don't you miss clotheslines ? There is just something wonderful about sheets that have been airing, they are crispy , but I like that . I have a wonderful sheet spray that is called Beach Home that reminds me of vacations and that salty sea spray smell of waking up at the coast . Oh boy, I feel a trip to the coast coming on! Well I have more rooms to go and miles to go before I sleep. Have a wonderfully blessed day! xxxooo Susanne

1 comment:

  1. i remember you doing this when i was little. fluffy pillows in the sun. pretty pic, mama. xo
