Monday, November 22, 2010

wondering and wandering

                  Do you ever wonder when you pass by a house , what is life like in that home ,? Is it full of laughing , songs , good smells coming from the kitchen ? Is it a home where sadness and loneliness live , unwanted but present ? I think about that , some houses look loved , that is what makes it a home in my opinion , the evidence of a life in progress . It's everything from the books on the nightstand to the sweet smelling soap in the bath that tell where you are . As well as the pictures on the table , the chewed up toy that takes precedent in the only comfortable chair , the Bible out and ready to be read , sewing sitting in a basket waiting for a few free moments in the day . I am grateful to be where I am in this life , it is not worry free but it is the only one I've got and I plan on being present in it . Have a blessed week , don't forget to thank the Creator and his Son for for all that has been done for you . xxoo Suz

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