Friday, November 5, 2010

daughters and mothers

 I am so proud of this darling lady , she is an amazing person . I think you should know that she cooks like a fiend and cares about the enviornment , can't keep her hands off of sweet babies , can down a guiness in no time flat , is married to her split - apart aka soul mate , loves a Christmas stocking more than the law should allow and always leads when she dances ...... she is wonderful !

This is me on the other hand , I drive like my grandma , I tend to dress a little older than I should , I love chocolate more than the law should allow , I am married to my split apart aka soul mate , I am cautious in traffic , and I too love little babies . We are what we are and love is the strongest bond . God made each of us fearfully and wonderfully and that is so cool . Have a blessed weekend !
xxoo Suz

1 comment:

  1. awww mama! that's the sweetest post! i sure do love you!
